Covered California Extends COVID-19 SEP
Beginning February 1, 2021 through May 15, 2021 consumers will be able to apply for health care coverage. Consumers have the option of choosing a Qualifying Life Event when applying or selecting “none of the above” and Covered California will determine eligibility.
This Special Enrollment Period (SEP) extension is another opportunity for Covered California agents to help consumers find health care coverage. There are millions of Californians in need of health care at the moment.
Learned of State Penalty Short-term QLE
Many consumers in California have no idea of the current state mandate to have minimum essential coverage. Many times consumers find out of the health care mandate once they have to pay the tax penalty. The tax penalty can either be a fixed amount or based of household income, whichever is higher.
In 2021, Covered California added “Learned of new state penalty” as a qualifying event. This means consumers who are unaware of the potential tax penalty can still get coverage. This short-term Qualifying Life Event will be in effect until April 30, 2021.
Covered California Qualifying Events
Below you will find what Covered California considers a Qualifying Life Event (QLE).
- Lost Job or Income
- Turned 26 years old
- Married or Entered a Domestic Partnership
- Change of Household Size
- Lost Health Insurance
- Moved to or Within California
- A Child is Born, Adopted or Received into Foster Care
- Domestic Abuse or Spousal Abandonment
- Affected by Wildfires
- Released from Jail or Prison
- Current Enrollees Who Experience a Life Event
- Returned from Active Military Service
- Gained Citizenship or Lawful Presence
- And more
How We Can Help
For any questions or concerns regarding the Covered California COVID-19 SEP feel free to contact us. iPros has access to the three largest Covered California carriers. For Covered California agents who would like to be appointed email us at [email protected] or fill out this contact form.