Enroll in a Medicare Plan Online

iPros Insurance Professionals has created a safe platform for Medicare eligible beneficiaries to shop, compare, and enroll in a health plan online.

Just give it a try press the “shop plans” button below or click on the Medicare Shop & Compare site preview at the bottom of this page. This tool is safe, easy, requires no face-to-face interaction and is approved by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Medicare shopping made simple and personalized to you.

If you have any questions you can reach us at (855) 234-2828 or medicare@iprosteam.com

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Medicare Parts


Part A is hospital coverage. This covers inpatient stays, skilled nursing facility care, home health, and hospice care.


Part B is medical insurance. This covers doctor visits, outpatient care, lab tests, and preventive screenings.


Part C is an alternative to traditional Medicare and is known as Medicare Advantage. Think of this as a combination of A & B with some extra benefits. This could include additions of dental, vision, hearing , or prescription drugs.


Part D is prescription drug coverage. These are the medications you take at home. This part can be complex as coverage varies.


Supplemental insurance fills in the gaps of Medicare plans. Private insurance companies provide this as a means to cover the voids.